Raghunathpur college

P.O : Raghunathpur, Dist.: Purulia 723133 (W.B)

Visitor Count: 13131


NSS units of our college continue social empowerment of volunteers and social awareness activity since 1975. Each year NSS unit has 100 volunteers. Now, 300 volunteers engage with our NSS unit. Each unit separately organise outdoor and indoor programme. But indoor programme is organized by both units jointly. In this year, units organized seminar on NSS Philosophy, Blood Donation Programme in college Campus. Ex-coordinator of NSS of Burdwan University, Bipadtaran Ghosh delivered lecture on NSS Philosophy 9th August, 2008 at Seminar Hall of our college. Our NSS Unit celebrate NSS day on 24th September. In this occasion, NSS unit organized Blood Donation Camp. In this year 38 numbers of Blood donated Blood. Our NSS unit made Blood Group Bank regularly. In this year we distributed 1000 Sapling among students, volunteers Sunday, both units clean college. Each unit has adopted area. Outdoor Programme is organised Literacy Programme, Food Processing Programme, and Health Consciousness Programme in these adopted areas. NSS Unit-1 adopted Bhagaipur NO 1 Panchayet Samiti, Purulia; W.B. It is totally SC populated village. Our volunteers survey this village. According to survey report most of people educationally unconscious, healthy unaware person. Dolandanga, adopted village both units organized special camp in then adopted area. 2007-08, 2008-09. Both units organized special camp on Healthy India. In 23rd Dec start 2007 to 1st January 2008. We organised Medical camp, different awareness Programme like Literacy, AIDS, Child Labour and social, mental, physical health relate4d 134 Seminar during camp.

HIV affected two women volunteers of BNP, Purulia participated in AIDS awareness programme during this special camp. In 2008, we organised also Special Camping Programme in our adopted areas on Healthy Youth for Healthily India from 16th Feb, 2009 to 25th, 2009. In this year we organised different awareness Programme like general disease, Ayurvedic Medicine, Child Labour AIDS, Literacy, Seminar etc. ACMOH of Raghunathpur delivered Lecture on common disease on 17. 02.09. Ayurvedic center of Raghunathpur delivered Seminar in our adopted village. Swapan Bannerjee, teacher of Ramakrishna Mission, Purulia discussed in his lecture on Mental Health in our adopted area. Our teachers motivated commo9n people of our adopted village during this programme. In this year we also organised sports among man, women, boys. We also organised awareness programme about Bird Flue disease among peoples.

Our two programme officer Subrata Paria (NSS Unit-1), Dr. Dayamay Mandal (NSS Unit-2) activates all progammes each year with the recognisation of Principal and advisory Committee regularly meets with Programme officers.

This is note that our NSS unit successfully organised Health Worker, Veterinary, Mobile Repairing Course, First Aid.

We always remember "NOT TO ME BUT TO YOU" Seva is our religion. Our student volunteers believe this religion.
