Raghunathpur college

P.O : Raghunathpur, Dist.: Purulia 723133 (W.B)

Visitor Count: 16089


1) Library hours:-
            a) Working days:- Monday to Saturday 
            b) Working hours:-
            For Day Session:- Office - 10.30 AM to 4.30 PM 
                                          Circulation Time - 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM
             For Morning Session:- Office - 8.00 AM to 12.30 PM
                                          Circulation Time - 8.30 AM to 12.00 PM
2) Membership rules and regulations : -
      All faculty members and non teaching staff are getting membership of the central library by default through the registration process in the central library.
Students who want to become a member of the library follow the following rules-
a) For Hons. Students :- 02 copies photo and Admission Receipt of the college. 
b) For Pass Students :- 02 copies photo and the Admission Receipt of the College. 
3) Lending :- 
Students should fill-up the lending slips and submit their library cards at the counter. 
a) Hons. Students can borrow 02 books at a time for the maximum 15 days. 
b) Pass students can borrow 01 copy at a time for the maximum 15 days. 
c) For Staff :- 
i) All the faculty memebers and non-teaching staff can borrow an unlimited number of books at a time for six months. After that renewal process necessary otherwise fine can be laid on. 
4) Library Access :- Oper access for college staff & close access for students. 
5) To use the library documents in library reading room 
a) The students must submit their library Identity card at the counter. 
b) The staff should sigh in a register mentioning time � in & time � out 
6) Students should take the library clearance certificate by submitting all the library books at the time of form fill up for the final exam.
7) To get a duplicate library card, the students should submit the GD copy with the application at the library office. 
8) An outsider of the College can use the library by getting the prior permission from the librarian of the College.
